Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Sleepiest, Boredest Day EVER!!!!....=(

Today, is the most Sleepiest, Boredest Day EVER!!

Same usual day as ever.... I went to ponteng class in the morning until break, then ponteng again, go library. I slept in the library for 2 long hours until Lunch time. I went to eat lunch...well, not exactly eat cuz I just bought water and drank it and then, went back to class and there it is....The BOREDEST SUBJECT, MATH!!....
I didn't get anything wat my teacher said... She complained to the class being noisy....I was being very, I didn't care much.
When it was the time for Ivan and the other basketball players to get ready, I gave Ivan a patchi and ferero roche chocolate...When everyone saw me giving it to him, they were asking me to give them too.....haiz....Ppl just dun get tired of chocx dun they....XD
After school, I still feel soo....DAMN TIRED....
Sir yee was complaining bout SOME stuff that got me even interested in think that's it for today....haha...
Bye bye...I'll write again for tomorrow, if I can....
Thx for reading...=)

xoxo Alia...=)